About Steph Jackson
My name is Steph Jackson and together with you I'm changing the way we think about holistic digestive health...
Yes I’m a little hard core. I hike barefoot. I’ve done water fasts, juice fasts, pumpkin fasts, I’ve quit jobs, left partners and relocated for my health. I’ve read everything from Spiritual Nutrition to Chinese Medicine Formulations to Advanced Phytotherapy to the Textbook of Clinical and Functional Medicine. I’ve studied Herbalism, Aromatherapy, Color therapy, Functional Nutrition, Nutritional Endocrinology…
And I STILL got sick!
And I got better…
Not by fighting with my biochemistry but by harnessing the power of my own body to heal itself with the help of the micro biome.
I created a yogurt so that there would be a product in the store I was willing to buy. At the time I didn’t realize the tremendous healing potential of probiotic rich, living foods. Since applying everything I learned through designing my own yogurt to MYSELF my life is completely changed.
After decades of searching for a community of like minded individuals I have come to realize… I am so FAR from the mainstream most “normal” people (ha) couldn’t begin to understand what I do, who I am and how I heal. So I’m creating my own community.
Thank goodness for you. Or I’d be here alone.
I believe it is through working with ALL of our bacteria that we will achieve dynamic, lasting health. I don’t believe in homeostasis. I believe we are adaptable, changeable and beautiful beings through which wellness can manifest if we get out of WAR with OURSELVES and our internal/external environment.
I believe that without addressing the DIVERSITY of the micro biome we will never achieve lasting and robust health.
If you’re still here I know you agree. Or you’d have clicked away. Let’s get ourselves… and then our communities… out of this rat-race war on health.
Starting inside.
With the smallest of organisms.